I’m still here!

This is just a little update to say I’m still here! I have been quiet in regards to social media and updates this year because we’ve had two close family bereavements. However, I just wanted to let you know the Threads of a Fairytale shop is still up and running and I’m continuing to send out unique fairy and festival clothing to all you beautiful people!

Glastonbury Festival is taking shape at the moment and I’m excited to make myself some new fairycore festival clothing!

Take care. x

New Beginnings

September feels like a good time for new beginnings. Our eldest daughter has just flown the nest, which leaves a spare room in the house! This is going to be my new sewing room; leaving my previous one as a study and art studio. I’m currently in the midst of stripping old wallpaper, and then it will be filling the cracks, painting the walls, and carrying all my sewing stuff upstairs. There’s a lot to do, so I’m not starting any commissions right now. However, if you’re not in a hurry, please get in touch and we can start the ball rolling for your custom made dress. When the room is finished, I’ll be raring to go!

Happy New Year! Need wardrobe inspiration?

Happy New Year! I hope 2023 brings you lots of magical moments!

I’m starting a new series about How to dress more creatively each month. I’ll post it on the blog, but it will also be in the monthly newsletter (which I’m going to be a lot better about this year!) along with any current discounts in the shop or other relevant news. If you haven’t signed up yet, please join us! 

Halloween costumes and postal strikes!

Hi! Have you got your Halloween costume ideas in place yet? I’m just reminding you that I have several unique items of clothing that would make the perfect sustainable Halloween costume! Please browse the Fairytale shop for ideas. You could find a classic witch costume, a spooky fairy outfit, a zombie Snow White costume or even find a pretty adult pumpkin costume!

However, time has already run out for overseas orders, so please only buy for Halloween 2022 if you’re in the UK. Don’t forget there are postal workers’ strikes happening on the 20th and 25th October, so please allow for this when expecting your delivery. I post second class recorded, so please place your order by Friday 21st October to allow for delays.

Thank you!